This beautiful setting is Vanier Park in Vancouver. I discovered these wondrous
chestnut trees a year ago, just as the winter weather was arriving. I returned this year intent
on creating a piece with the chestnuts and the spiky outer shells. This tree is situated
right outside the planetarium (see link above) on a hill overlooking English Bay.
When I began, I envisioned a more involved design than this. I began raking the shells
and leaves, and realized because of the dampness, there was not enough contrast in color
to make a pronounced line. There was also not enough "material" to work with. I continued
raking for 3 hours, and gathered all the nuts. While clearing the inner circle, I found
a well within the roots. (for trees and wells).
As I was trying to decide what to do next, a large group of 4 year old children arrived
and circled up on the grass right near the chestnut circle. The perfect infusion!
I asked one of the class leaders if it would be possible when they were done, to have them
gather around the circle so that I could take a photo. Several moms didn't want their children
photographed, so that nixed that idea. One teacher did lead the children in a chase thru the
park, winding them thru the circle. Pixies galore dancing thru the ring!!
For a brief moment, their awareness of the ancient tree was altered. Some even
saw the "doorway". One elderly woman commented that it looked like I was about